Goodbye Cancer

Love my Cancer Goodbye!

Last Thursday I was in Sydney to see my Gynae-Oncologist, Dr Rhonda Farrell, who confirmed that my Inhibin B blood count, which indicates the presence of the Granalosa tumour cells, is now under 10 which is within the normal range.  In January, just before the surgical removal of the cancer it was 9750! Three months later, I need no further treatment. She said it will be about another three months before I have my usual energy levels flowing through me—I was relieved to hear that, although I am enjoying the slower pace. I will have various blood tests and checks every three months and eventually annually for the rest of my life—for my health and wellbeing I feel grateful this is an option for me to access.

A celebratory thank you and deep gratitude to my surgeon, Dr Rhonda Farrell and the medical team who successfully removed the tumour and held me with their skill and care during the operation and recovery.

Deep gratitude

For all the love, prayers, care and support that I received during this time, and continue to receive, that came in the form of messages, cards, books, a silk night dress (Yay! I love my soft nightie!), spotty socks, chants and songs, meals and more meals, massages and more messages. All the thoughts, love and consideration that went into offering them lifted my spirits meeting my need for love, connection, care and healing.

If I have not yet replied personally, my heart felt apology and my heart felt gratitude.  Every act of kindness touched me deeply and held me through the journey of discovery, uncertainty, acceptance, ease, joy and pain, exuberance and days of reckoning. I have found these last four months to be insightful, inspiring and loving and a wonderful integration of the mindfulness and NVC practices that I hold dear. For the love of cancer, I am grateful and bow to this journey that was both unexpected and yet so supported by Grace.

A warm hug and lots of love to you.




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Catherine Wood
Catherine Wood
2 years ago

May you long continue to shine your loving energy and positiveness Wendy.

2 years ago

Hi Wendy this is great news about your good health and wholeness shining on. Your beautiful powerful deep attitude to you having cancer and managing it in the way that you have is something very soulful to observe and hear you write about. Your faith in yourself your medical team and the divine is deeply moving for me, you are marvellous Wendy. I am so very happy that you have been so well loved and supported on every level through this time in this life. Sending you great love, divine golden healing light and gentle warm hugs. Would you like to give me your address Wendy? Thank you. Love and light always Leonie

Tracie Kyne
2 years ago

That’s such wonderful news Wendy. I’m so happy for you and your beautiful family <3

Fiona Hall
Fiona Hall
2 years ago

What fabulous news Wendy. May the many blessings you have received continue to flow

Anna VanEyk
Anna VanEyk
2 years ago

Wonderful news indeed, looking forward to seeing you back online again soon. We miss you. God bless you, Wendy.x

Catherine Wood
Catherine Wood
2 years ago

Beautifully put dear Wendy. Thankyou

2 years ago

Wendy I feel immense gratitude for and Divine Grace and Presence for your recovery . So blessed to be walking the earth at the same time as lovely people like you ❤

Marion Way
Marion Way
2 years ago

Wendy that is wonderful news of your diagnosis. Take care and enjoy what the universe has to offer you and your partner.

2 years ago

beautiful life giving news Wendy!