In Conversation, Wendy Haynes and Chani Grieve

This One Precious Life

Last week, I had a wonderful conversation with Chani Grieve, the host of The Embodiment Journey. I am a guest speaker in Module 5 of her program, Trusting the Heart where she is introducing how a path with heart allows us to live and love fully, and also helps us prepare to die freely.  In this module she explores the inseparable relationship between life and death, and how an awareness of death can uplift our lives in surprising and liberating ways. Chani is also my co-facilitator on my program Celebrating this Precious Life: Honest Conversations about Death and Dying.

In this interview we talk about life, death, my cancer journey, my jealousy teacher… and much more.

Click here to watch. I hope you enjoy it and would love to hear how our stories connect with you! Please write a comment below.

Chani Grieve. Feldenkrais Practitioner @ Movement from the Heart



Blessing for Presence by John O’Donohue

The Impermanence of Being Here by Wendy Haynes

Practices Self Empathy practice with Wendy Haynes

Self Hold and a 6 minute talk by Peter Levine on the Self Hold 

Books and Information

The Dead Good Funerals Book(Dead Good Guides) by Sue Gill and John Fox

A Year to Live by Stephen Levine

Ongo: Everyday Nonviolence by Catherine Cadden and Jesse Wiens Chu

Getting Your Affairs in Order with Wendy Haynes


“The first four components of Empathy – curiosity, presence, intention, and focus on universal needs – are completely silent. Only the fifth component, confirmation, involves any talking. Empathy is four parts listening and only one part talking.” (Ongo: Everyday Nonviolence)

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” Attributed to Viktor E Frankl

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