‘Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.’ Viktor E. Frankl
Wendy’s mindfulness meditations can be found on Soundcloud.
Our time here is relatively short, a drop in the vast ocean of life. It can be challenging, painful, beautiful and precious.
Join us for honest, generous and inspired conversations, with no set beliefs or agendas, to talk about death, dying and what’s important to each of us. If you’d like to get ‘your affairs in order’ and befriend and embrace death – this unavoidable part of life, then the six month program could be for you!
Ongo: Everyday Nonviolence is a powerful 12 week program offered freely – opening us to live a life filled with peace, compassion and wisdom.
Click here to download your free Guide to Empathy Circles. Subscribe below to get news of Wendy’s next empathy circle.
Stay up to date with the latest Mindfulness, Ongo and Empathy group information which will include session summary, date and meeting link. This is different to my main newsletter.