There were many beautifully written pieces as we engaged with the practices of the ‘Writing and Enthusiasm’ seriously playful, creating writing session this week. I’d like to share this one written by participant, Simone Wilkie.
A Blessing for a Couple Coming Together
This life will be a dance together, sometimes your dance will flow and be graceful, sometimes clumsy. Often you will dance and the music will stop and you find yourself alone on the floor. If you need to rest, find your space. It might be together – in quiet companionship, other times you might need to find a space on your own to rest.
But the music of life will always call you back to the dance floor, the rhythm will change, be it fast or slow. Find your own pace, find your own rhythm and touch in with your partner, lean in and find their rhythm.
Life is like that.
We arrive at the dance floor fresh and excited, the music strikes up; we don’t always know the band playing, but soon the tunes might sound familiar…
Simone wrote of her experience at the creative writing session, ‘Wendy, your creative writing invitation has enriched my day. I’m feeling inspired and my contribution appreciated. This very much meets my need for inclusion and to be valued. I must admit that I felt at first like a fish out of water as I am not a celebrant, nor do I consider myself a writer! I benefitted greatly from just that one short hour, I can only imagine what joy it might bring to others who join.’
I hope you will join me next year!
Ah The music of life and how we dance to therhythm of this music is an apt way to describe a relationship at play!