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Ongo: Everyday Nonviolence 12 week program

15 February 2021 @ 7:00 pm - 8:45 pm


This program is now fully booked!

Loving kindness, compassion and wisdom? At the kitchen sink while trying to get people to help with the dishes or your kids to walk the dog.

Or, while trying to engage as a team at work and there’s a troublemaker in the group. Or, in a committee meeting one person is, in your opinion, just wrong. ‘I mean, why can’t they see that?’

 Or, meeting with a family member where one roll of the eyes and a tone of voice set off a familiar pattern of disconnection?

In life, there are many moments where disconnection, frustration, sadness, anger, righteousness, rage, helplessness (the list goes on) can be activated.  If you would like: 

  • to relate to each other in a more collaborative way that brings connection even when you disagree with them 
  • to be able to  listen and speak more effectively and with kindness for oneself and others 
  • to know what’s most important in your life and be able to live by those values 
  • to live with an authentic quality of presence even when things get tough 
  • a greater capacity to meet the challenges and resolve emotional and mental conflict 

and meet some wonderful people from around the world, then you might like to join an Ongo program.

Through the cultivation of mindfulness and the practice of nonviolent communication, this 12 week online program offers practical exercises and teachings that are applicable at home, in business meetings, leadership development, special interest groups etc.  

We will be using the online platform Zoom for the weekly guided group sessions. You will also ‘buddy’ up with a partner once a week, online or over the phone, to do a guided practice (from the Ongo book) that can take approximately 30-60 minutes. There are also solo practices to do most days – sometimes as simple as reading a quote and reflecting upon it to doing a journal exercise that might take 30 minutes. While it is understood you may not be able to make it to each session, it is important to read the weekly group practice as each one forms a foundational step for the next week. This program is offered freely.

This 12 week program starts on  Monday 15th February 2021, occurring every Monday until and including the 3rd May 2021. 7-845pm AEDT. Please note that NSW reverts back to AEST on the 4.4.21 so if you are from another state or country you will need to make note of the change. After 4.4.21  start time will be 7pm AEST.


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15 February 2021
7:00 pm - 8:45 pm
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