Thorny Conversations

Mindfulness: Engaging in Thorny Conversations as a Celebrant 

The Celebrant School in New Zealand is hosting a very special program next month.

Join popular presenter and celebrant coach, Wendy Haynes on Mon 21 & 28 Nov by Zoom, 7-9pm, if you ever find yourself caught in these thorny situations as a celebrant:

  • Talking about your fee with someone who says….’it’s a lot of money for just turning up on the day to marry us’.
  • Raising concern about the cost of an unusually high invoice from a supplier.
  • Negotiating with a service provider who wants you to do something one way when you know your couple wants it another.
  • Talking about the funeral of someone who’s died in especially tragic circumstances.
  • Facing a threatening or offensive response from a client.
  • Needing to have the difficult conversation with yourself about your lack of confidence, or negative self-talk.

Engaging mindfully in these conversations helps lead to positive outcomes for both you and the others involved. Acclaimed celebrant and author, Wendy Haynes, is offering two sessions by Zoom to enable us all build our skills and confidence in handling thorny situations.

Click here to register

Earlybird rate closes 7 Nov =  NZ$170 incl GST for both sessions
After 7 Nov = NZ$220 incl GST

21 November – a recorded version of this session will be available to view if you miss it

28 November – a recorded version of this session will be available to view if you miss it

Both sessions – 7.00 – 9.00pm (NZT)

We welcome all celebrants to join us for this Zoom series. The skills apply to all work situations so non-celebrants are also welcome to join us.

Click here to register