What is sacred union, love, marriage?

At our celebration we had a small group of friends join us for the weekend. We had a big sheet of cardboard covered with two hearts put on the wall with a stack of coloured pens for people to respond to the question, ‘What is sacred union, love, marriage?’

One of the guys wrote, What is this thing called Love? What’s THIS thing called love? What? Is this thing called Love? What IS this thing called Love? It’s a bloody mystery mate!

A girlfriend wrote, ‘Marriage – an opportunity to discover one’s Self as you awake to the face that greets you. Love always present, always there.’

And another dear friend and fellow celebrant, Gayle McCosker, wrote an acronym for M.A.R.R.I.A.G.E. –  Magical Adventure Requiring Ritual, Intimacy and Grace Everyday!