I have been enjoying participation in the Poetry Masterclass, What the Light Tells, with acclaimed teacher and poet Mark Tredinnick during my recovery time. It’s been an inspiration. Each week we have learnt a few different forms and I have stretched my brain around Iambic Pentameters, beats and rhyming words—sonnets, haiku, tanka, sappho’s, englyn’s just to name a few.
This was a tanka that I wrote about the Masterclass, What the Light Tells. (Tanka – 3 lines of 15 syllables per line)
And more…the following is an Ode to a Friend conceived late one night after I had given up on getting a flow with the iambic mode. (daDa daDa daDa….) I had to get up out of bed and write this one down,
This is in response to my post about the friend who helped me get clear on what my needs were around starting work this month!
I love the friend
Who calls me in
To check me out
To pull me up
And sit me down.
Who reads my mail
And stops
To call
And says,
What were
you thinking?
She speaks her love,
With no demand
Yet questions
What I wanted.
We laugh, we cry,
We wander on
To all that guides
Our way.
For getting lost
And getting found.
We pray and sit,
We move and dance.
We lie outside
Upon the earth
And disappear
Into the Rest.
For here
We listen,
To the goats
And to
The trees
For care,
For peace,
For love.
What a lovely response to a lovely friend. Your poems are beautiful, Wendy.